Someone please help me. So November starts, and I'm pumped I've got my chocolate on supply, my laptop at the ready. Ready. To. Go.
Or not so much.
See I'm a big Halloween buff, like big. It has to be my favorite holiday second only to Christmas.(Which is for religious reasons and because well lets face it who doesn't love to get books?) But so yesterday my Halloween did not go so hot, lots of unnecessary drama. And I find that sitting at my computer today I cannot write to save my life. Not one word at all. Well I mean I can write something, but every word I seem to write I hate.
So I need help, aside from therapy which I am aware I need. Any advices as to how to get rid of this block? I just need it to go away, for NaNo. And because I think if I go another school year without writing anything, I will go clinically insane. Yes, I'm serious.
Hey look a short post, I'm making progress, not for a good reason but still glass half full progress
Just start typing. Don't worry if it's crap, just write anything. That's what I do and it always works for me. Also, when I can't think of what happens next I either start a new scene or write (awesome things happen here) and then move on. I come back to it later.
Jade-Thanks, I'm going to try that. But my perfectionsit likes to stand in my way with her arms crossed shaking her head. But I'm going to try, thank you :)
You have to compromise. Promise your inner perfectionist that they can go nuts when the 1st draft is done. Or, if they're really demanding, when the chapter is done.
Thank Jade, will do I'm actually writing right now, not loving it but I'm not stopping. Just pushing through, like you said.
I'm cheerleading for you right now! You can do it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, that almost sounds aggressive.
My advice: start writing, because the characters will lead the way.
Thank Mariah, I need the cheerleading, and don't worry about being aggressive sometimes I need to be scared to accomplsih something :)
Have you tried Dr. Wicked's writing lab? I just had my first stab and churned out 1100 in 45 mins. It's like extreme writing.
I second Jade; just jump in and don't look back. Scare your block into leaving. Write so much it looks at how many words you've accumulated and flees in terror.
Take off your "what I write has to be really good right away" glasses and just let some thoughts out.
Jade-what is Dr. Wicked writing lab? Because I totally want to do it.
Sara-I think I've scarred it somewhat away, because writing through, though it drove my perfectionsit crazy, did totally help.
K.M.-I'm working on it but those glasses seem somehow super imposed onto my face.
All-Thanks for the advice :)It's really helped.
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