And before I go into the ten things I have to say about me, I have to give the award to ten other deserving bloggers, but I'm very, very, very new to this, so my friends on here are limited and a lot of the people to whom I would have given the award to have already received it, so a few of those I"m giving it to have already been awarded it, but you guys are just that awesome. The award receivers are: K.M., Jade, Kat, Jessica(BookLover), Carrie and the other two people who I would have given the award to(but already received it) were Sara, and Mariah. But Sara's already been awarded it, and Mariah gave it to me. Thank you again Mariah! ^__^
So the things no one knows about me....
1. Almost all my current pets have Irish names, i.e. Seamus, McAllister, Finnegan and I was going to get a kitten named Tavish (Mac and Finn's little bro, but he got adopted by someone else). To coincide with this, I am also a crazy cat lady in training. There is no doubt in my mind that one day I will own many a cat. And FYI they will be named after my favorite super heroes.
2. I couldn't read until I was about nine years old. I wasn't exactly illiterate, but even simple sentences seemed as though they were impossible. I hadn't even thought about writing, let alone being an author, until my third grade teacher started playing the first HP book on tape in class, she had to stop because a students parents didn't want him reading it. By then I was hooked. I stole the tapes from my dad (he had bought the book on tape a few years before) and when my parents caught me, they made me finish reading. After that I read the first four HP books in the span of two months, I would have kept reading, except the first four were the only ones published. This lead to my nickname from third grade through fifth, Hayley Potter.
3. I love country music.
4. I once owned a Rottweiler-Chow Mix, named Bear, because he looked like a bear cub when we got him. He was the best dog ever, he had a spotted tongue, it was pink and purple.
5. I wanted to be an actress when I was younger, I actually wrote a piece that was featured in a mash-up of mini plays that my fourth grade put on. Mine was totally a rip off of Romeo and Juliet, but it got in, and I played the lead. It was pretty cool, except it was written as a tragedy and my Principal made it into a comedy. Not cool.
6. I can't stand to shop, unless it's for books, I can shop for books until the cows come home, but I can't stand shopping for anything else. In fact I'm pretty sure I could live quite contently in Borders or Barnes and Noble.
7. I have over 200 books on my book shelves currently,. These books are alphabetized by author. Yes, my CDO is showing. I have at least 100 in storage, and about fifty in my book boxes, where I keep books that I want to read but haven't gotten around to yet.
8. I cry when I read books, or when I see movies. They can be the least sad thing in the world and I'll cry when they're over, or when something sweet happens. I cried watching the Princess Protection Program with my little sister a few days ago, and the Queen said something to her daughter and for some unknown reason I burst into tears. Mind you this doesn't happen all the time, just occasionally, and more so with books than movies but it does happen.
9. All my favorite characters tend to either die or end up unhappy for the rest of their lives. For example, Sirius Black, Fred Weasley, Marcus (from Babalon 5), Robin Hood (From the BBC TV show), Allen A Dale (also from Robin Hood TV show, I'm very upset about this one, he had pretty blue eyes), Will (From His Dark Materials), Jonathan (from Midnighters) and plenty more. With the exception of Jacob Black, but you can ask Sara I pretend that Breaking Dawn doesn't exist.
10. I want a tattoo, a nose piercing and a bellybutton piercing, but I am terrified of needles, and don't have the guts, to actually go through with it. So magnetic studs and henna are what I'm sticking with. Forever.
That's it about me, nothing else really... I had a really fun Thanksgiving, I hope everyone else did too, for those who celebrate it, and as for everyone else I hope your average week was a good one. :) Oh and I'm writing again, but I'm not sure where its going yet so the story is going to be hush hush for now...