Pictures, Pictures!!

This is my BEAUTIFUL corsage that basically was the start to an AMAZING evening. My prom date, who is dating one of my friends now (it's cool I don't mind at all they're cute together and she's a great girl,) according to his mother was determined to get my corsage to match. And it did, it matched my dress PERFECTLY. Also at the time he was unaware that the flowers he picked are my favorite. I informed him later just so he'd know how perfect it really was and that I wasn't just saying that. I'm preserving it, that's how amazing it is.
Also I know that the date in the corners is wrong, but the camera was never set. And it's so very old. But these pictures are from this past weekend rest assured.
Now onto another picture--his eyes are closed so I may post another later, but I like this pic I think except for the closed eyes it's a good one!

Next an open eyed picture, up close. A woman from my mothers gym came over and took over my hair, I fell asleep on it because I got home SO late and in the morning I woke up and it hadn't moved! Then when she was done, well she asked to do my makeup too, and I let her. She put sparkles in my hair, there are some still there even though I've washed it more than once--a couple of times in the sink. But another friend took this picture.

All in all I had a great time. A better one than he did, I think, but an amazing one none the less. There is only one thing I'd change--this one encounter with a girl I do not like so much don't worry nothing bad happened she was just a rude bitch, that's all, and what I would have done is just confront her. I took it all in, I danced like no one was watching and just lived. It was so much fun! Thank you again to everyone who encouraged me. Thank you so much.
I'm never going to forget it.
Well, Hayley, the dress looks beautiful on you, your hair looks beautiful too! I love the last picture because you both looks so happy. I am thrilled you have a wonderful night!!!!!!!!
You are so grown up about him now dating one of your friends. So gracious and lovely of you. But I suspect that's just how you are.
And sometimes, the best comebacks come well after the situation. Just put 'rude bitch' into one of your books and let your mc tell her OFF.
You look SO pretty!
I love your dress! The color looks great on you :)
I remember my sophomore homecoming I had my hair done in the morning and I sprayed it so much that after I took a nap it hadn't moved, just like yours!
Aw, so beautiful. And what an amazing dress. I went to prom with my husband (well, he wasn't my husband then. ha). So you just never know where these sorts of nights will lead ;)
Yay! I'm so glad you had an awesome time.
You look so freaking hot! Love the colour of the dress. I'd say your date is cute, but I don't want to get arrested (okay, he is!).
Now I wish we had proms more than ever! I want a corsage!!
Beautiful, simply beautiful. And he's cute too. I'm glad you had so much fun. Prom's a wonderful thing.
Ah Hayley! You look gorgeous! So so so glad you had fun!
Gorgeous! So glad you had fun, and I definitely second KM's suggestion to put the rude girl into a book later. I've done it with most of my ex-boyfriends. :)
K.M.- Thank you! And I think I'll stick her in my book, but you never know maybe I'll luck out and get to tell her off myself one day. (Of course the circumstances would mean I don't have to worry about negative repercussions, I can only dream...)Also without your encouragement this wouldn't have been so wonderful for me. So thank you!
Frankie- Thank you so much!!
Mariah- I still have sparkles in my hair and it's been almost a week! And thank you ^-^
Carolina- That's a lot of postive futuristic thinking, and as of right now I'm not ready to settle down just yet, but I'm up for dating, for sure!
Jade- You've got a husband just hint around and make him make fancy plans so he has to get you a corsage! And my date was cute wasn't he?(His eyes are gorgeous! Reason number one why I asked him? No but pretty darn close). And hehe thank you,(about my looking hot) it's very flattering that you think that.
Piedmont- It really was just an amazing expirience, and thank you!
L&L- Thank you, for the complements and the encouragement I wouldn't have asked him without you and K.M. routing for me! And I had the best time!
Carrie- I'm really thinking about it, she may not deserve even a negative shout out though... and thank you for the complements!
Oh, Hayley you look gorgeous, and your dress is perfect.
Aren't corsages great? Not only do they look good, but they also smell good. They also keep really well if you hang them upside down. I still have mine from my senor prom, which was four years ago.
Aaron- I hope mine keeps that well! I'm so excited about it!!!!!!! And thank you ^_^
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