I'm back, a little later after originally scheduled but sometimes that just happens, you know? Anywho I decided to get on here and post quickly just so everyone knows I haven't forgotten them, before I go and cyber stalk all my friends. Umm, I mean check up on. Duh. Hehe.
So lets do a quick round up. Over my vacation I read 15 books!
Beastly, and A Kiss in Time, by Alex Flinn I love fairy tale retellings, they like make my day.
Hearts at Stake by Alyxandra Harvey great, reminded me why I love vampires that don't sparkle *sigh* a good vampire romance always makes me smile.
Some Girls Are by Courtney Summers, it was good and even though the main character was a total jerk half the time and I've been bullied so I shouldn't be siding with a bullier (the MC by the way) I was cheering when she chipped the other girls tooth.
The Secret Year by Jennifer Hubbard, just as delicious as everyone made it out to be. And I loved the ending.
Hold Still by Nina La Couer, so good, and I didn't cry half as hard as I thought I would which is a good thing because I'm an ugly crier.
Lovestruck Summer by Melissa Walker, I liked it, not my normal venue but cute.
His Eyes by Renee Carter, it was a great read, I really liked it.
Fallen by Lauren Kate, I don't know about this one. Everyone was singing it's praises and so I couldn't wait to read it but I wasn't very impressed. That and Daniel didn't capture my attention like another certain fallen angel... *cough*Archer*cough*
Just One Wish by Janette Rallison, I bought this because I thought it was going to have a nice cute ending. Yeah didn't happen. I cried long and hard (In a good way), it was amazing!
Unclaimed Heart by Kim Wilkins, I really love old English writing and stuff stationed back in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries so this was a great read.
Ex-Mas by Kate Brian, I picked it up because I loved Megan Meade's Guide to the McGowan Boys and this one was just as cute, even though the main character was kind of obnoxious.
Far From You by Lisa Schroeder, I got this because I loved I Heart You, You Haunt Me that and I just like her style. I didn't think I'd cry, again I was wrong but I just loved the way it flowed and the character growth. If you haven't read it, you should.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. I LOVED this book, I'd meant to read it awhile ago and never picked it up. So when the movie came out and it looked really good I told myself I wouldn't see the movie until I'd read the book. So I read the book, and LOVED it. Then, less than 72 hours later, I saw the movie. Not as good as the book (movies never are) but a good adaptation none the less. And I liked that they aged Percy, because he as a 16 year old is very cute and I like Logan Lerman, a lot.
Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater, this book lived up to all the hype around it. I loved it so much. It was just *sigh* I wish my romance life was like that. Well without the whole debilitating diseases and such, but you know what I mean.
So yeah, I read a lot, was without internet (oh so painful) missed my kittens, and then when I got back returned to school. I did hear back from that writers program I applied for, thank you so much for your help by the way everyone who participated in the critique of my piece because it really was at the top of it's game when I went through and edited it after all your help and I was proud of it when I sent it out. So despite the fact that I didn't get in I'm very content in the knowledge that I did the best I could have. Besides rejections are part of the business. They only make me stronger.
How has everyone been? I've missed blogging and trust me, March will be full of most consistent posting. Promise.
Wow, you've been busy!
Some Girls Are and The Secret Year are both on my list of books I want to read. I still haven't read any of the Percy Jackson books. I guess I really need to do something about that. I too loved Shiver.
Sorry to hear you didn't make it into the writing program, but I'm sure you will find some other opportunities.
Welcome back :-)
The Percy Jackson series is Ay-mayzing! I'm on Battle of the Labyrinth right now and can't wait to get to The Last Olympian!
Welcome back! Too bad about the writing program, they don't know what they're missing. :) I'm totally envious of you. I'd love to read that many books. Sadly, it's getting harder for me with school to find the time.
I have an award for you at my blog!!
Alissa-Yeah the Percy Jackson series is so good so far, and not making the program is okay. Rejection happens you know? But thank you.
Sara-Me too! I'm so pumped to finish the series.
Bethany-Well the rejection wasn't too bad it's just what happens you know? I also have troube finding time to read but I lucked out this vacation. And thank you so so much for the award, I'm on my way over to recieve it now!
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