I was recently given this award by V.R. Barkowski, and Heather for having a happy blog! Which makes me seven different kinds of happy! Two people? I'm honored! So first, before I list the ten things that make me happy, I just want to say, thank you very much for my award, I'm flattered. And guys, If you haven't you should head over to their blogs, because they're fun to read and both have fantastic backgrounds. Now this award is awesome because I get to list ten things that make me happy.
So here we go... (the list is not a ranking, just so you know, it's exactly what it appears to be, a list. Random, and unorganized :P)
1. Snow Days, who doesn't love a surprise day in the middle of the week where you can sleep in and be a slug? They're the best, especially when they happen on a Monday or a Friday, or on a day of a big test you haven't studied for.
2. Family and friends, I have the biggest family, and the best friends. They're one in the same to me. I love them so much, and they always manage to make me smile despite the fact that sometimes they annoy me.
3.My animals, Mac, Finn, Seamus and Midnight are the cutest, and Bear was the best dog I could have ever asked for. Besides, I don't think a human could get away with waking me up at two a.m. because they're awake and I'm not, so they tap their cold wet nose to mine. I taught them to kiss me like that when they want something.
4. My writing, whenever anyone asks me about my characters, my story, I just melt.
I smile big and tell them about the crazy people bouncing around in my head, telling me stories.
5. Reading, I love being able to open a book and jump into a new world. To turn each page and have an adventure and have other peoples characters in my head.
6. Drawing, or just other creative outlets through art. I love painting too. But something that ties into this pick, would be the picture Brain drew for me, see the sidebar, for the most fantastic drawing ever. I mean I've had it in my possession for months but still every time I look at it, I squee!
7. Sinking into a deep sleep, and having long drawn out dreams. I love dreaming, and whenever I wake up and I can still remember the dream even better. Dreaming is fun, like my creative side has grabbed hold of everything and runs free, no conscious to tell it no. And even better than that is when I dream of my characters. Talk about awesome.
8. Chocolate. Seriously, it has to be one of my worst habits, but no matter what mood I'm in chocolate always manages to make me feel better. Unless I'm sick, but then no one really like chocolate then. It is so nice to come home and open up a nice tub of chocolate ice cream and sit down with a spoon and eat it after a really bad day. Like I said, it's a bad habit and you're all probably shaking your heads thinking I'm so unhealthy, but this is only occasionally, promise.
9. A great movie, you know the kind that you could watch a thousand times but still gives you shivers, still makes you jump or cry. Those kinds of movies always make me happy, they're so great.
10. Blogging, I love getting online and being able to open up my blog, and read about other writers, to have this support system. It's so nice to get on here, and have help from you guys and share my passion for writing with so many people. Thank you. ^_^
Now, I have to give this award to ten other blogs that make me happy, here they are:
These are the blogs I adore, they always make me smile, so I hope everyone has a nice day, I'm off to continue outlining. Fun. But I'm pretty far, shh...don't tell my muse he might get upset.
Thanks Hayley! I see I'm in fine company.
Wow! Thanks so much! I'm super happy, and like you, reading and blogging make me happy too!
Awww. I love cupcakes. :) Now I want some dessert. THAT would make me happy. lol.
Thanks so much. I always forget to pass these awards on, but I will try my best to remember to do this tomorrow or Friday.
Click for My Blog
Aw. *Tear* Thank you SO much for thinking of me. I feel so famous and special. {{blug}}
Hooray for happiness!
Thanks for the award!
*more blugs*
Thanks, lady! Your blog makes me happy, too! :)
Oh! Eep! *glomp* You're so sweet :D
You're blog is probably the only one I really follow. They're so entertaining and make my day :)
I hopped over from Karen's blog. I can't believe I haven't found you sooner. I follow almost every blog on your list! Congrats on your award. :-)
I have an award for you at my blog!
Hayley !
I have an award for you on my page ! (:
Jade- Nothing but the best for the mind who invented Archer.
Bethany- Good to know that you like blogging too! And thanks so much for the award, it has taken me too long to claim it :) Thank you ^_^
Karen- Well I hope you remember to pass it on, and dessert sounds delicious right about now too...
Shannon M- You are very welcome, *blugs back* ^_^
Mariah- You're welcome! *Extra blugs* and by the way, I'm loving your assistant, James is very handsome.
Jill- Thank you, and you're welcome! ^__^
Kayla- *bright red blushes* well Kayla, I'm flattered! So good to know that you read my posts and like them, makes me feel extra special, thank you!
Shannon O- I'm so glad you liked my blog, thank you for stopping by!
Isuet- Thank you so much for the award! ^_^ it makes me feel special!
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