A lot has changed this past year. I’ve changed, where I am has changed (if that makes any sense). I’ve decided to do a post on reflections about the year, and what I’ve gone though.
So here we go, this was my goals for 2011, all the ones that were accomplished were italicized and bolded:
-Do MORE research for Glass Heart
-Finish Glass Heart
-Read, over 100 books
-Pass AP exams (with flying colors)
-Give Kittens baths
-Continue to work on stepping out of my comfort zone.
-Query until my fingers bleed (after finishing
And editing obviously)
-Choose a school(for those who are wondering I have been accepted to 6 for 6, out of 14 applications so it will be tough. What was I thinking?)
-Buy(and read) EVERY book that is written by one of my buddies on the blogsphere (I’m currently knee deep in CRACKED by K.M. it is FREAKING FANTASTIC PEOPLE. Go buy yourself a copy, like now.)
-Buy a Wand from Olivanders at TMWOHP.
-Figure out some of the Bestie angst I've been dealing with.
-Clean my room
-Categorize my entire book collection before departing for college
-Organize my life (hehe not happening, but I can hope)
-Help out my crit. groups as much as I can.
-Oh and most important, be at the Midnight Showing for HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 2 in full HP garb. Yes I am that kind of nerd!
-Alright, I lied, this is the most important, begin posting regularly again, on this blog and my critique group blog.
So…count it up…12/19. That’s what…sixty three percent? That’s way better than last years forty two percent. At least I’m improving. This years goals are fewer, simpler and I have decided to hold myself to a higher standard, I am going to expect at least ninety percent of my goals to be reached by this time next year.
-Finish a WIP
-Edit said WIP
-Either manage my double major, or give up on it
-Get a job up at school
-Maintain a minimum 3.0 GPA
-Post at least twice a month
-Participate in as many blogfests as possible
-Stay true to myself
I’m going to change everything. Well not everything. The blog is getting redone, heck by the time you read this it may already have been revamped.
2012 is going to be a new year. 2011 was better than 2010 and I am holding 2012 to newer, higher standards. I refuse to regret anything that made me smile, I refuse to change who I am for someone else, I refuse to let people change me for the worse. I am going to succeed, why? Because it is my choice to do so. Because I am setting my mind to it.
Life is hard. Anyone who says it’s easy is kidding themselves and you. But it is not going to get me down. I got a taste of what it’s like to just live, and I refuse to be a bystander to my own existence anymore. Bring it on 2012. I made it through 2011 and I’m ready for you.
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