Alright. It's been a tough year, so I'm gonna keep this short. Last year I posted my goals, here, and I'm going to recap the goals I met those I didn't and summarize my new goals! Ready? Okay!(Please ignore the peppy-ness it is late and I am tired)
Last year I wanted to (The ones I achieved are in italicized(hehe I love that button)):
-Finish a WIP
-Finish He’s With Me
-Do research for Glass Heart
-Finish Glass Heart
-Find a Crit. Group
-Get into College
-Get through Jr. Year
-Read, over 100 books
-Pass AP exams (with flying colors)
-Give Kittens baths
-Work on stepping out of my comfort zone.
-Work on stepping out of my comfort zone.
-Query until my fingers bleed (after finishing
And editing obviously)
-And get a job (ick)
Overall not so bad out of 21 I did 9! That is just over 1/3!...alright that kind of sucks but college took up way more of my time than I estimated it would so that is life. My goals for this year are similar, and in some ways different. Here we go:
-Do MORE research for Glass Heart
-Finish Glass Heart
-Read, over 100 books
-Pass AP exams (with flying colors)
-Give Kittens baths
-Continue to work on stepping out of my comfort zone.
-Query until my fingers bleed (after finishing
And editing obviously)
-Choose a school(for those who are wondering I have been accepted to 6 for 6, out of 14 applications so it will be tough. What was I thinking?)
-Buy(and read) EVERY book that is written by one of my buddies on the blogsphere
-Buy a Wand from Olivanders at TMWOHP.
-Figure out some of the Bestie angst I've been dealing with.
-Clean my room
-Categorize my entire book collection before departing for college
-Organize my life (hehe not happening, but I can hope)
-Help out my crit. groups as much as I can.
-Oh and most important, be at the Midnight Showing for HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS PART 2 in full HP garb. Yes I am that kind of nerd!
-Alright, I lied, this is the most important, begin posting regularly again, on this blog and my critique group blog.
So that's it.
I will meet most of these, I hope.
And though this is two days overdue and I'm such a slacker I still want to wish you all a WONDERFUL New Year, and I hope with every fiber of my hyper super caffeinated being that all your aspirations and goals pan out for you!
1 comment:
Holy Moly that is a lot of goals! You go girl! It's always great to something to reach for. Added you as a buddy, btw! Happy New Year!
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