Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Share the Love/Lots of Squee

So my friend K.M., whom I adore and talk about ALL the time, just got an agent and is now represented by Sarah LaPolla, at Curtis Brown LTD.

Now in celebration I think you should all go over and congratulate her and spread the love, squee, and just read her story.

I'm off to continue the freak out, and well spread the love. Because I brag about all my writer friends who have agents (it's a big thing,)--well honestly I brag about all my writer friends because I admire all of you, agented and not, because this is a hard business. And sometimes I don't think we give ourselves enough credit, so I think we need to give it to each other.

So K.M. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! You deserve it, by far, I hope you enjoy the agented bliss you're experiencing now!


Sara Raasch said...

Yay for KM!!!

K. M. Walton said...

Yay for your kindness and sharing my news!!! Yay for your genuine nature too.

Thanks, Hayley!